Dark winter color palette

Dark and cool



Note that your color palette is predominantly saturated and dark and cool. These are the main characteristic of a Dark Winter palette. Your appearance needs contrasting combinations. You will seem the most harmonious if you use that colors to create your wardrobe.

Make contrast sets from neutral colors. Finish such an outfit with bright elements from your palette. Abstain from monochrome outfits.

Disharmonious colors for Dark winter

Remember that dull or warm colors are not appropriate for a Dark Winter style. Against their backdrop, you can appear unwell. Warm colors would make your total look dimmer. Avoid wearing the following hues, especially close to your face, in your clothing.

Light neutrals colors

Use the light neutral hues suggested below to construct a base wardrobe. These colors make it easy to mix and match outfits. To complete your total look add a bright color from your palette. Never overlook the importance of contrast in your appearance.

Dark neutrals colors

To build a neutral base wardrobe, use the dark hues listed below. Finish with bright color from the Dark Winter palette to bring contrast elements into your total look. Your appearance features a lot of contrasting aspects. When building your image, keep these in mind.

Patterns & Prints

To pick a pattern, use a Dark Winter color palette. Remember to consider the pattern's contrast. The more contrasted your print is, the more it will complement your vibrant look. I suggest looking for abstract patterns or geometric motifs. Remember that it is preferable to avoid delicate monochromatic color schemes for you.

Metals & Accessories

When it comes to jewelry, you have the option of choosing between matte and reflecting metals. All the cool metals look good on you. Even a bright yellow color suits your look.

Gemstones of dark colors will perfectly suit your contrasting appearance, such a ruby, emerald, and sapphire.


Bright spring color palette


True winter color palette