Bright spring color palette

Bright and warm



The name Bright Spring already has a precise definition of your appearance. Your palette will consist of bright and saturated colors.  In fact, of the twelve color kinds, the Bright Spring palette is the most vibrant.

Consider your contrasting appearance while putting together your clothing. Combining garments with high contrast colors is a risk-free strategy. These kits are ideal for you. Furthermore, while putting together ensembles with neutral hues, don't forget to include a pop of color from your color pallet. 

Bright Spring's look is vibrant, so avoid wearing monotone clothing. A set consisting solely of neutral hues is also not the best option. Add colorful elements to your look.

Disharmonious colors for Bright Spring

Since your palette consists of bright colors, you should avoid dull and cold colors. These hues might diminish your youthful looks and make you appear sickly. Avoid cool and desaturated colors in the portrait area.

Light neutrals colors

Consider the colors below when building a base wardrobe based on light neutrals. They are simple to mix and may be used to make a variety of unique kits. They can also be used with a bright accent from your palette to create a contrasting combination.

Dark neutrals colors

Make a base wardrobe out of dark neutral hues. Colors with a warm tone and golden undertones are ideal. These hues will undoubtedly highlight your appearance and will look harmonious. Remember to include contrasting accents in your clothing. Use your palette to select the appropriate color.

Patterns & Prints

The perfect Bright Spring print combines colors from your palette. Furthermore, the design should be sufficiently contrasting for your look. It is preferable to avoid drawings with unsaturated colors. Choose geometric patterns and massive elements.

Metals & Accessories

The Bright Spring skin has a warm undertone, giving you a wide variety of color metal options. Give priority to shining or polished surfaces. Avoid wearing matte jewelry.

The perfect gemstones for your look have a yellow undertone and are sufficiently sparkly.


True spring color palette


Dark winter color palette